Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday's Picks(1/26)--I Miss You

Unfortunately this Saturday's Picks is a bit of a downer, mostly because I haven't been able to see my boyfriend in nearly a month and I'm missing him like crazy! 

That being said, it still contains a lot of cute handcrafted products from talented artists and crafters around the Etsy universe ^.^









Unknown said...

And why aren't you too seeing each other for so long? where is he?

Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Thanks for reminding me how much I love chocolatesays' Etsy shop, Kayla. Damn... I miss chocolate!

XmasDolly said...

INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW! What's up with the bow???? Do I have to come out there and shake that boy???? Don't you make me come out there now!!! How you feeling sweetie? Love that bracelet's saying! That's a real concept!!! Hugs, CM

Shel said...

Love all of these great products - thanks for sharing them! Why can't ya see your honey?? (curious minds want to know - LOL!!) :-)